Changing the color of the folder icon  differentiate folders easily, rather than just depend on the folder name.
Coloring a folder icon may not be possible on Windows, but not anymore with Folder Colorizer, a desktop application that will enable you to change the color of your folder icons.

How to do this

01. First you Download Folder Colorizer to your computer. Once downloaded, run the Folder ColorizerSetup.exe file, and click ‘Next’ if you agree.

02. Now proceed with the installation, so click the ‘Install Now’ button.

03. If in the middle of installation you are requested to activate Microsoft Dot Net 3.0 Framework. You may need to download the Dot Net 3.0 framework, open the package, read the terms of the License Agreement and if you accept, click on the ‘Install’ button.

04.  Now Again click "install now button.

05. Done.

How can colorize your folder

01. Go to your selected folder. click right button on mouse.

02. Now can see Seven number option is "colorize!"

03. select that and choose your colour instantly.

enjoy........... just