Hadith Software, this really a awesome software. Alhamdulillah, thanks to DBHT for creating such a beautiful software. I was searching for this software many days, but unfortunately i didn't find this type of software in bangla. i found in english, but i was searching for bangla software, which can be easily copied. Finally DBHT team worked for creating this type of such a beautifull software/apps in chm format and also they have created a website , where you can read hadith online, Many people from many country worked for making this beautifull software.
- This Software Will Insha'Allah Run in Windows , E Pub , jQuery Mobile template , Android , IPhone.
- This Software is in CHM and HTML format.
- Consist 3 Language Arabic,Bangla,English.
- Powerful Search options.
- Add your favorite Hadith.
- Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim & Riyad-us-Saleheen.
- Commentary of Riyad-us-Saleheen.
- Quick Navigation arrow.
- Easily copy & paste.
- Easy print option.